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Scout: the original Posh Pet

Writer: KimberlyKimberly

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

I don’t remember a life without pets and I wouldn’t have it any other way. From receiving my first dog (a German Shepard we named Cleo) from Santa Claus when I was about five years old to taking in strays and acquiring many other furry friends over the years, our pets have always been members of the family. So, it was natural for me to adopt two 13-week old black kittens – whom I named Chase and Scout - when I got my first apartment after college. 

Two adorable black kittens fast asleep next to  each  other

I was living in New Orleans at the time and this adorable brother-sister duo had been abandoned at a Coast Guard base. I was 23 at the time and had no idea how many life adventures we would experience.

Girl dressed up as a black cat hugging two black cats

I was living in New Orleans at the time and this adorable brother-sister duo had been abandoned at a Coast Guard base. I was 23 at the time and had no idea how many life adventures we would experience. Together, we lived in seven cities (which involved driving cross country in one case). They saw me through major career changes, were there to “nurse” me back to health after major surgery, comfort me after break-ups and were my ultimate “litmus test” when dating someone new.

Two precious black cats sound asleep while snuggling on an orange blanket

If Chase (the male) didn’t approve, chances are the relationship wouldn’t last … and it turned out he was usually spot on!

Sadly, Chase crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at the end of 2018 when he was 17 and a half years old. It was undeniably one of the most difficult things I have experienced, but I am blessed that he was in my life as long as he was. Scout (his sister) turned 19 in July 2020 and not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for having her in my life and I try to show her that every day.

Sweet black cat snuggled under a white blanket

Those who have gotten a “glimpse” into how Scout is spending her “Golden Years” might accuse me of going a tad too far, but I say it’s impossible to spoil her too much! In fact, I dare say she was the inspiration for Posh Pets. For starters, Scout has her own bedroom in our house which we now refer to as the “blue suite”. After we redecorated our guest room a few years ago, she claimed it as her own and I can’t say that I blame her. The deep blue hue of the walls combined with the plush Laura Ashley bedding create the ideal, relaxing haven for an older kitty (or anyone for that matter!)

Black cat curled up on a bed in a blue themed bedroom

Since she is a dainty elderly lady, it has become increasingly difficult for her to jump into said relaxing bed - so naturally I had to invest in Sherpa lined pet stairs.

Equal parts indulgent and quaint, with Instagram-worthy amenities and top-notch service, one could say Scout’s suite might put some 5-star hotels to shame. Allow me to walk you through a typical day for Scout ….

Black cat sitting in a window

Her morning meows let me know when she’s awake and ready for breakfast. It doesn’t matter to her what day it is - so there’s no sleeping in - even on weekends. Thank goodness I’m an early riser! Our routine consists of my going in and giving her lots of love, head scratches and then opening the curtain and pulling up the blinds. She supervises me from the comfort of her bed and usually lets out another “encouraging” meow to remind me that it’s breakfast time.  Because she’s worth more than just a packet of Whiskas, her meals are well thought out. With her age and health in mind, Scout is treated to a low carb diet that is high in protein - ensuring that she’s getting the nutrition she needs. That said, she enjoys a truly gourmet diet. Dining on everything from Ahi Tuna & Crab in broth to Wild Salmon & Poached Chicken, I dare say she eats as well as I do – or possibly better. Most days I don’t even remember to take my vitamins! Tiki Cats is one of her favorites!

Most days she gets “breakfast in bed” because … why not?  She’s earned it, plus she knows that if she doesn’t follow me down to the kitchen, I’ll bring it up to her. Not a bad way to start the day, right?

Once she’s had breakfast, she eventually makes her way downstairs and enjoys time on our enclosed patio. She’s figured out that the patio gets the morning sun, where she enjoys basking while getting in some bird watching.

On a typical afternoon, you’ll find Scout savoring a sunny siesta back in her suite. The afternoon sun hits that side of the house so I’ve strategically set up a goose down pillow bed for her directly under the window so that she can maximize her sun time. In winter months or on particularly chilly days, a thermal self-heated mat placed on the bed guarantees that she’s as comfy and cozy as possible!

Precious, older black kitty asleep on a pillow

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention her “music therapy” as I like to call it. Thanks to Alexa, Scout enjoys music 24 hours a day. Chopin is a favorite during the day while classical tunes lull her to sleep at night.

Call me crazy, but I attribute her relaxed “ambiance” to how well she’s thriving in her older years. In addition to the music, I usually have some type of aromatherapy going for her. Whether it’s a lavender candle or eucalyptus scented diffuser - Scout’s suite smells like a luxury spa.

Black cat eating out of a white dish on top of a bed

In addition to an array of gourmet treats she receives throughout the day, she has been known to have her dinner brought up to her suite. Just think of it as “room service.” At times she can be a picky eater, so if she’s not really into the dish “du jour,” the Chef (aka me) is happy to provide her with a selection of culinary alternatives. And last, but certainly not least is her bedtime routine. Our “guest in the blue suite” as my fiancé and I lovingly refer to her, is treated to VIP turndown service. We exchange Chopin for bedtime Mozart, draw the shades, close the curtains and turn on her “mood lighting.”

Selfie of a woman in a green shirt with her precious black cat

At this rate, we’re hoping she’ll stick around for another 19 years!

For more information about the original Posh Pet or to book services, please Contact us.


About the Author

The daughter of an award-winning travel writer, Kimberly has followed in her mother’s footsteps and has had articles been published in numerous publications. Kimberly got her first puppy from Santa Claus when she was four years old and has never known a life that didn’t include four legged family members. An animal advocate, she has rescued pets, volunteered at shelters and has even been known to nurse an injured sparrow back to health. When she’s not busy running a successful petcare business and providing care to her four legged customers, you can rest assured she is pampering her 19 year old kitty, Scout.



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